Growth Predicted For Outdoor LED Display Market

The outdoor LED display market has been growing at a steady pace, and this is expected to continue in the coming years.

Digital Journal shared the findings of research by Million Insights, which is anticipating the value of this sector will grow to $12.43 billion by 2022. One of the big driving factors behind the substantial growth is the push for billboards that have a wireless data connection.

This will be particularly important in any areas that have high pedestrian traffic, the report suggested, noting that customisable content is increasingly important for advertisers.

According to the research, although other forms of technology are being developed, LED electronic billboards have a number of things going for them, notably that they are lightweight, have low power consumption and offer superior performance over other options.

What’s more, LED displays are continuing to evolve in terms of the technology they use, which is helping to keep them one step ahead of the other displays being developed.

Within the LED display market there are a number of categories, of which LED billboards is expected to see the most significant growth. That said, perimeter LED boards have also seen a surge in popularity as more locations adopt them and businesses see their value.

In the UK there are also examples of venues taking these LED advertising boards to the next level. At Southampton FC, for instance, augmented reality LED displays were recently installed around the pitch. This allows TV advertisers to tailor the adverts being shown to appeal to different viewers around the world.

I would recommend LED Synergy to anyone considering purchasing an LED sign. We have had so many compliments since it was installed and it has been a valuable asset.

Tom Hughes

OSI Food Solutions